Monday, March 31, 2014

Deconstructing the false self (Part 4)

In order for one to move inward towards multi-dimensional consciousness, you must first deconstruct the false self.  Admitting that you are a victim of mistaken identity, no longer choosing to drink of the three poisons that have infected your life, and suppressed your true being.

When we begin to deconstruct the false self, a side effect of the toxic poisons that we have immersed ourselves in begin to surface.  Much like when a person detoxes from a drug or alcohol addiction, withdrawals begin to surface.  The person needs to struggle and fight through this.  Giving in to the withdrawal means defeat.

This side effect of the withdrawal from the effects of the poisons of the ego that surfaces is called doubt. During this process, you will often experience self doubt (can I really do this?), self defeat (I am not capable of this), self judgement (I don't deserve this), etc. You however are stronger than the symptom.  You have the divine within you! Notice that every single one of these side effects are of the "self".  It is a last ditch effort of the false self  trying to cling on and maintain its lies. But by now, you have recognized that the false self is nothing more than a creation of the ego by the three poisons of I am what I have, I am what I do, and I am what others say I am.   Knowing this, let go of the doubt.  You let go of the doubt by realizing that the very nature of doubt is always about something positive.  For instance doubting your GOODNESS, or doubting your CAPABILITIES.  Never does doubt point toward the negative.  The Ego will always use doubt by trying to deceive you into believing the positive in yourself is not true.

It is the paramatman, the primordial being, the multi-dimensional consciousness that you are will always point toward the positive.  It points you toward the light that is breaking up the darkness.  With every nail, board, window, and wall you remove from the false contextual framework that you have been programmed to build around yourself that you rear down, the light of the positive, the light of love, the light of God, the light of the divine, begins to shine in and illuminate the lies that surround you, chasing them away., leaving you to feel the warmth of the sunlight, and all its healing properties upon your skin, entering each cell for the first time.

The light allows you to see the dust upon the mirror that you have been peering into for so long, thinking that "this is who I am", and realizing that you are so much more.  You see the detail and beauty of your true being.  Oh how the walls of that framework we lived in for so long has deceived us!

Let the deconstruction begin!

Meditation is the hammer that begins to deconstruct that framework we have been discussing.  As one first begins the deconstruction of the false self, one of the first things one realizes is that there isn't much room to swing that hammer.  There is so much clutter within the framework we have built around ourselves that it is even often hard to get to the walls.  We have to begin removing one piece of debris one piece at a time.  To do this, first begin the process of detoxing yourself of the three poisons.

Make a list of labels that you have created to define yourself based off of the three poisons. For example;

1) I am what I have. (making me "Wealthy")

a) my house

b) my car

c) money

d) etc.

2) I am what I do (Making me "better or worse"  then those around me")

a) unemployed

b) a boss

c) a server

d) etc.

3) I am what others say I am (Making me "important or less important" than others)


b) uglee



Do this for all three poisons. When we write our thoughts, we bring them into the tangible realm. We can then deal with them tangibly and face the facts.  Everything we experience begins with a thought. The very words you are reading are the creation, and manifestation of a thought. This is what you actually believe if we do this honestly (it only works when we are honest with ourselves).  This is most challenging to those who think they have it all together.  They have the best of everything in life.  Deconstructing the false self for them might reveal some very real scars that they did not want to deal with.  When all the comforts are gone, who are you really?  When all the discomforts are gone, who are you really?  This puts us on EQUAL ground.  We are not all that different when the labels and framework is removed.

Next, ask yourself WHY DO I BELIEVE that I am those labels?  Be honest with yourself.  Have you been told that to be successful, you must have the big house, 4 children and white picket fence?  Have you been told to believe that you will go to hell if you dont believe this specific way?  have you been told to believe that of you dont go to college and have a degree you are a failure and will never get anywhere?  Why do you believe you are those labels?

Thinking upon these things is what is called meditation,  Meditation comes from the same root word for medication.  While medication is medicine for the body, meditation is medicine for the mind.  Meditate upon why you believe you are these labels.  You are ridding yourself of the poisons that have plagued your life for so long, intoxicating you, causing you to believe that which is not real. Meditation upon these things is the medication to defeat the toxicity of the poisons

Realize the doubts you are feeling are a lie.  Let go and reject these titles, labels, or whatever else you would like to call them. Burn them, Flush them as the "crap" they are, burry them, rid them however you feel you need to do.  Deconstructing the false self can be a painful process for some as it may feel as though you are experiencing the death of someone close to you. This is ok. In fact, you are experiencing a death. You are experiencing the death of the false self.  Sometimes, this process means we need time to grieve.

I worked in a hospital some years ago and made daily trips into the cancer unit as part of my duties. It was in the cancer center that I learned one of the greatest lessons in the grieving process. As I had just brought in some supplies into the unit, I overheard a conversation from a patient that was just told they did not have much longer. Their loved one was sitting next to them and with tear filled eyes, and a crack in her voice asked "are you ok?" The patient, assumingly not wanting to upset the loved one just shook her head as to say "yes." The loved one then took the hand of the patient who was just told they did not have long to live and stated, "it's ok to not be ok." The patient smiled and let out a sigh of relief. The two hugged and cried consoling one another. I left, walking around the corner with water filled eyes myself, and learning a valuable lesson in grief. It was ok to step out of your comfort zone and to not be ok! I do not know what happened to that patient ultimately, but wherever they are, they impacted my life in one moment. What was unknown to the world is that I myself was going through a very traumatizing time, and was trying to hide my grief. It was this experience that taught me that grieving was part of the process of growing.

It is in this grief that we may feel anger.  Channel this anger to begin to pound those walls of the contextual framework that you are confined in.  see the light of the divine begin to shine upon your natural being, and feel it sprout as it takes its first peak outside of the seed it was once encased in.

As stated in the beginning, if we as natural beings contain all of nature's knowledge, and in the primordial self are part of this infinite divine nature, we can step out of and tear down this constricted, contaminated, and tainted contextual framework of walls that block the primordial self from being discovered and cultivated into full maturity.  Now that the seedling has sprung forth, we begin the journey of nurturing it into maturity, and living as the true you.

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